Just as the Abbott parties were the place
to be in Haley, Jacey's parties at Penn...
...were the hippest ones around.
And even though he had
a major in architecture...
...he seriously minored
in beautiful coeds.
...bras, hooked bras...
...all utilize the same fundamental
principles of structural design.
You know, I'm engaged.
- So am I.
- You are?
I'm engaged in conversation with you.
OLDER DOUG: I was in awe
of his success with women.
The thought of Eleanor conjured images
of absolute debauchery in my mind.
After a while, I didn't see my brother
beneath her on the sofa in the garage...
...I saw me.
Doug, dinner!
I wish you wouldn't
smoke in the garage, honey.
I don't smoke in the garage.
There's a lot of old stuff out there.
I don't want anything to catch on fire.
I don't smoke, Mom.
Just the same, I'd prefer it
if you'd smoke in the backyard.
Yes, ma'am.
I gotta get ready.
Where are you going?
I kind of have a date.
Well, you know, Friday nights...
- You can leave that.
- Thanks.
- Have fun.
- You too.