- Hi!
- Hi!
What do you want?
What are you doing tonight?
You wanna go out?
I don't believe you.
I can't.
My folks went out to dinner
with Peter and Alice...
...and I got tricked into
watching the baby.
Where's Eleanor?
- I thought you came over to ask me out.
- I did.
Good, because she's not here.
- Can I come in?
- No.
- Why not?
- Because my parents aren't here.
Maybe some other time?
Okay. But just for a little while.
You're not like Jacey.
Why not?
He's so trig and polished.
What does "trig" mean?
You know, handsome, sexy,
...like a pipe smoker.
I don't think Jacey smokes a pipe.
You don't have to smoke a pipe
to be trig.
Call it a Dodge!
...either you're mad at me
because you're mad at me...
...or you're mad at me because
you like me. That's how girls act.
I don't know much, but I know that.
So I...
Which is it?
ACTOR 1: We better take a look at her.
Let's pull alongside.