Where have you been?
Hotel in town, where I got drunk.
ACTRESS: Never occurred to you
to let me know where you were?
It occurred to me.
You can't tell anyone
what we're doing.
Promise me you won't tell anyone.
OLDER DOUG: Being reckless
was not a true part of Alice's nature.
Like any trapped animal,
she was capable of almost anything.
Her desperation made her dangerous.
And Jacey's addiction to the Abbotts...
...made him desperate to possess her.
- Eleanor's living in Chicago.
- She is?
- She's going to stewardess school.
- What do they teach her there?
I don't know.
How to wiggle your bottom.
Really? Maybe you should go there
instead of Bryn Mawr.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- Did it hurt? It was an accident.
- Be careful with your big feet.
Come here.
- Wanna go upstairs?
- No.
- Maybe you're tired of just kissing?
- No. Are you?
- No, but touching is nice.
- We are touching.
I know. I'd just like to see what
you look like without any clothes on.
What? Aren't you curious?
I know what I look like without
any clothes on. I look naked.