Motherfuckers come straight
out the Gulf War.
I already sold 3 of them,
20 grand a piece.
- Wow, that's good money.
- I'm gonna make a million dollars out of this, man.
I already got a half million
sittin' down in Mexico.
When I deliver this next load,
it'll get me another half mil.
- Then what?
- Then I'm out.
Spend the rest of my life spending.
Pull the trigger and let her rip!
Hi, my name is Huanita.
- Well, you gonna tell me who it is?
- It's Beaumont.
Don't clown on me, bitch.
Beaumont, what's up?
What the fuck you doin' in jail?
What the fuck you doin' that for?
Goddamn, nigger.
Ain't you got better sense than to be
drunk driving with a goddamn pistol?
Listen to me. Yeah, number one,
you gots to chill.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, 'course you're scared.
That's what the motherfuckers get
paid for, to scare the shit out of you.
That's their motherfucking job.
The judge doesn't give
a fuck about that.
He's ready to habitualize you.
Is that what you want?
You wanna look at ten years?
Tomorrow I'll get you out, I promise, but that
means I gotta pick you up tonight.
Reggie, there ain't
no two ways about it.
You're gonna spend the night in jail, but
I already told you I'm gonna get you out tomorrow.
Now, where are you?
You're at your mother's?
Put your mother on.
Miss Gilmore. Miss Gilmore,
this is Max Cherry.
This is Reggie's...
That's right, his bail bondsman.
Look, Reggie is in big trouble.
I want to pick him up, and I want you
to be responsible for him before I...
Sit down.
Yeah, I'd like you to make sure
that he's there when I get there.
And look, this is a second chance
for him.