This concerns a debt to...
The people's Credit Society.
Is this debt recognised?
Yes indeed, your honour.
Does the petitioned havae
any other debts?
No, your honour,
just one.
Sorry, your honour.
My client has no other debts.
Is that correct, Dr Schuwagt?
That is incorrect.
You are misinformed, sir.
Dr de Gankelaar!
Your honour, let me state that
the petitioned has been bankrupt.
That did end with repayment but... The petitioned
has since incurred other debts.
That is not true, your honour.
Dr de Gankelaar,
I am warning your client.
Not necessary, your honour.
I have my information form
the best source, Mr Katadreuffe.
The list of your previous bankruptcy
includes an entry under assets...
"Private sale of books,
fifteen guilders."
Dr de Gankelaar paid the fifteen guilders...
To prevent seizure of the books.
Your honour...
But the petitioned still has
the books, so that means...
Your honour...
Dr de gankelaar is a creditor for
the sum of fifteen guilders.
I would like a brief adjournment,
your honour.
May I?
I'm sorry. He's right.
I bought your books to
prevent seizure.
I don't want that!
I'll give you the fifteen guilders.
You don't understand. I give it
to you and the case is closed.
I can't possibly accept it.
Excuse me?
Dreverhaven has won,
I should never have taken him on.
Are you crazy? I give you
the money and it's all over.
That's very nice,
but I can't accept.
A debt is a debt.
Who taught you that?
Who taught you that
senseless self-chastisement?
I give you the money
and you take it!