L.A. Confidential

Youll be out in a year and a half.
I'll get cozy with your parole officer.
You touch her again, I'll have you
violated on a kiddie raper beef.

You know what they do
to kiddie rapers in Quentin.

You have someplace you can go ?
Go get yourself fixed up.
Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas, ma'am.
- Let's go, Bud.

The guys'll be waiting.
what do you do on Badge of Honor ?
I'm the technical advisor.
I teach Brett Chase
how to walk and talk like a cop.

Brett Chase doesn't
walk and talk like you.

That's because he's
the television version.

America isn't ready for the real me.
Is it true you're the one
who arrested Bob Mitchum ?

Badge of Honor guys pretend.
But being the real thing
must be a thrill.

why don't we go someplace quiet ?
I'll give you the lowdown on Mitchum.

Big V. Jack Vincennes.
- May I have this dance ?
- Of course.

This is Sid Hudgens
with Hush-Hush magazine.

- Hello, Karen.
- Hello yourself.

what's that about ?
we did a piece, ""lngenue Dikes in
Hollywood."" Her name got mentioned.

... a friend just sold some reefer
to Matt Reynolds.

He's tripping the light fantastic
with Tammy Jordan.

Sorry, I lost you for a second, Sid.
Contract players, Metro. You pinch
them, I do a nice feature next issue.

- Plus the usual $50 cash.
- No, I need another $50.

Two $20's for two patrolmen, a dime for
the Hollywood Station watch commander.

Jackie, it's Christmas.
No, it's not.
It's felony possession of marijuana.
Actually, it's circulation 36,000
and climbing.
