L.A. Confidential

There he is.
You did good, kid.
You should've seen this place.
Blood everywhere.

who would have thought ?
Shotgun Ed.

Somebody get him cleaned up.
Come on.
Edmund J. Exley
has amassed a brilliant record...

... in his 7 years
with the Los Angeles Police Department.

Recently, he evinced spectacular bravery
in the line of duty.

It is our privilege to present him
with our highest honor:

The Medal of Valor.
- what kind of car was it ?
- It was a Ford.

My husband always drove a Ford.
I know what they look like.

Excuse me, ma'am.
Just the facts. Light or dark ?

Light. And that's really
all I remember, Officer.

Thank you.
You've been a big help.

Cut !
That's a print.

Big Jack !
He's back !
Jack's back.
