L.A. Confidential

wendell, I'd like full and docile
cooperation on every topic.

Okay, okay, okay. AII right.
Everyone knows Patchett's
worth a boatload of greenbacks.

But the man has hobbies too.
He bankrolls B movies under the table.
And try this one on.
He's rumored to be a heroin sniffer.
AII in all, a powerful
behind-the-scenes strange-o.

And ?
And what ?
Reciprocity, Mr. Hudgens, is the key
to every relationship.

He runs call girls.
Primo tail fixed up
to look like movie stars.

And ?
Blackmail shit.
In my car, in the trunk,
under the rug...

Patchett got me to photograph this cop
screwing this gorgeous slut named Lynn.

She looks like Veronica Lake.
Leave him !
I said leave him be !
Get him away from me !
Back off !
Back off !
I wouldn't trade places with Exley right
now for all the whiskey in Ireland.

Dudley, I thought you were going to
let the dumb bastard kill me !
