Do I toss out the screw
If I find it?
I need ten minutes alone.
I'm washing my hands.
Prettry girl! How's it going?
What are you doing?
Did your mom put this stuff here?
No, the landladry did.
Is it a market? It's beautiful.
How much is it?
How old are you?
- What's your name?
- Eleonora.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Prince Guido.
- Prince?
- I'm a prince, I am.
All this is mine.
Here starts the prince's principate.
I'll call this place Addis Ababa.
I'll change it all.
Out go the cows, in come the camels.
Even a few hippopotamus.
I must go.
I'm meeting with the princess.
- When?
- Now!
Good morning, Princess!
How frightening.
I almost killed myself. Did I hurt you?
I've never been better.
Do you always leave
the house like this?
I wanted to burn that wasp's nest,
but I got stung.
A wasp stung you? There?
Allow me.
Hold still, Princess.
A wasp's poison is very dangerous.
You have to get it out.
- Lie down. It'll take a while.
- No, thank you.
- Did you get stung anywhere else?
- No, thank you.
What a place here!
It's beautiful!
Pigeons fly, women fall from the sky.
I'm moving here!
It's all his! He wants to fill it
with camels! He's a prince!
Prince Guido
At your service, Princess.
I'm coming!
Good-bye, then.