Find two ears more beautiful
than these and I'll leave!
But you have to show me them.
They dream about these in France!
Races exist, children.
You bet they do!
But let's continue.
I want to show you something else.
Pay attention.
He said Inspector?
From Rome?
The belly button!
Take a look at this belly button!
What a knot!
But you can't untie it,
not even with your teeth!
Those racist scientists tried it.
Not a chance!
This is an Italian belly button.
It's part of our race!
Check out this style!
Look at these muscles:
ceps, biceps, triceps!
Look at this beauty!
Admire this hip!
Just look at the movement!
I must say good-bye now.
I have to go.
I have an appointment.
I'll make my Aryan exit
and bid you farewell.
The belly button!
I'll see you in Venice, Princess.