La Vita è bella

Yes, but they're waiting for me
at the theater. Take me back.

What's happening?
Princess, do you know how
to turn on the windshield wipers?

Step on the brakes!
Have no fear!
Hang on to me!

It's broken!
When did you learn to drive?
- Ten minutes ago.
- I thought it was less than that.

- The top doesn't close.
- The door won't open.

Wait! We're stuck!
We'll get out of here.
I'll take care of it.

The important thing is that
you don't get wet.

Cover yourself with this.
Take it.
We'll get out of here now.

I'll take care of everything.
Here we go.
Step right out, Princess.
Step right out!

There's a huge puddle!
You'll get your feet wet! Wait!

- Go ahead, Princess.
- Where are we?

We've already been here.
- Me and you? When?
- Don't you remember?

The night it was raining...
and I made you an umbrella
out of a pillow!

It was a beautiful night. I put
the steering wheel on my shoulder...

did a little waltz,
and when I stopped in front of you...

you kissed me.
Princess, your behind
is blowing in the wind.

It depends on the person.
My pop was like that.

He had the ability
to make me do anything.

He understood me.
He knew how to deal with me.
