One, two, three, four, five.
And one for good luck!
He struck the child.
Did you see that?
- Look at what Dad got me!
- Whoa! Great!
Hey, l have my glove
in the car.
Maybe we can stop at the park
on the way home and play catch.
Then tonight we can rub oil in it
and wrap a big rubber band around it.
lt'll be great.
Hey, great gift, Dad!
Thanks, son. l'm so glad my gift
could bring those two together.
My plan to phase myself out
is almost complete.
Something's come up,
and we need to talk.
Come on, Mom.
l want to go play!
And actually it's kind of important,
so maybe we could talk tonight?
- Tonight?
- Yes.
- Max's birthday party.
- Oh! Yeah.
Sure. Of course.
We'll talk then. Great!
- Maximus! l'm outta here.
- Bye, Dad.
Jerry, enjoy my wife.
-(Chuckles Wickedly)
-(Engine Starts)
Well, this is good.
This is really smart.
- Thank you.
- Only--
Well, it's not true.
Does that present a problem?
Mrs. Cole,
the only problem here...
is that after you've provided years
of faithful service and loving support,
of raising his children--
they are his?
Huh? Oh. Yeah, yeah.
One for sure.
After all that, your husband
wants to deny you...
- a fair share of the assets based
on one act of indiscretion.
- Seven.
- Pardon me?
- Seven single acts of indiscretion.
Seven acts of indiscretion,
only one of which he has
any evidence of...
and all of which he himself
is responsible for.
- He is?
- Mrs. Cole.
You're the victim here.
The wife of a cold, distant workaholic.