- Monster Max!
- You came to play catch?
l'd like to, but l can't.
l gotta talk to you.
Your mommy told me about that wish
you made last night. lt came true, Max.
- Really? You mean you
have to tell the truth?
- Yes.
- No matter what?
- No matter what!
- ls wrestling real?
- ln the Olympics, yes.
On channel 23, no.
- Will sitting too close
to the TV set make me go blind?
- Not in a million years.
lf l keep making this face,
will it get stuck that way?
Uh-uh. ln fact some people
make a good living that way.
Now listen, Max.
You've gotta do something for me.
l need you to take back that wish.
- So you can lie?
- Yes.
But not to you.
You see, Max,
sometimes grownups need to lie.
lt's hard to explain,
but if--
Look, here's a good example.
When your mommy was pregnant with you,
she gained 40 pounds;
there was nothing she wouldn't eat.
And Daddy was scared.
But when she'd ask me, ''How do l look?''
l'd say, ''Honey, you look great.
You're glowing.''
lf l had told Mommy she looked like
a cow, it would have hurt her feelings.
- Understand?
- My teacher tells me
real beauty's on the inside.
That's just something
ugly people say.
Max, no one can survive
in the adult world if they
have to stick to the truth.
l could lose my case, l could lose
my promotion, l could even lose my job.
Now, l need your help, Max.
(Sighs) Okay.
Okay. Do whatever
you did last night,
only this time,
make it an ''unwish.''
l did it.
Now, l just need
a little test.