You may proceed, Mr. Reede.
Respondent calls...
Kenneth Falk.
Raise your right hand.
Do you swear to tell the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but
the truth, so help you God?
l do! l mean--
l do.
Mr. Falk.
(Clears Throat)
Do you know my client,
Samantha Cole?
lsn't it true that your relationship
with my client is entirely platonic?
l object, Your Honor!
To yourself?
But l would like to...
rephrase the question.
Mr. Falk, would l be accurate...
if l described your relationship
with Mrs. Cole as totally professional?
l object, Your Honor,
and l move to strike!
Mr. Reede, l don't know
what you're on,
but you better get
to the point and quick.
Thank you, sir.
ls your relationship
with my client entirely platonic?
Not! ls not your relationship
with my client:
''Boink! Bad baby, bad baby!''