Welcome to Shangri-La.
Welcome back, stranger.
Remember, don't, um, mention, um,
his, um, stutter, um.
Now isn't this, um,
better than the, um, city?
What did I tell you?
Traffic was ghastly.
You need, um, a swim.
I need a-- ahem--
a drink.
This is Ramon,
Ramon Fornos.
I know. I saw, um, your company
performing at the, uh, Joyce.
You were terrific.
You saw us?
Yeah. Great, just great.
You, uh, swim
as well as you dance?
I don't do anything
as well as I dance.
Come on.
We'll, uh, both cool off.
John, we'll work this afternoon.
When I first bought this house,
people thought I was crazy.
It's in, um,
the middle of nowhere.
I like, uh,
the middle of nowhere.
How long have you
and John been...?
Uh, three weeks.
Our regular rehearsal
pianist was sick,
so John filled in.
Thanks for letting
him bring me.
Not at all.
I'm glad, uh, John's happy.
I don't, um, do this,
uh, on purpose, uh.
Oh, it's okay, Mr. Mitchell.
It's Gregory, please.
You'll make me feel like an old man
if you keep that up.