I missed you.
Oh, it's so good
to be here.
The city's awful.
You can't breathe.
Have you been working?
I didn't leave, um,
the studio, um, all week.
How'd it go?
Don't ask.
Hi, I'm Ramon.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Uh, Bobby doesn't,
um, see, Ramon.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry.
Just come here.
Is that Latino?
Mi casa es su casa,
I bet you were wishing I wasn't
going to say that.
We all were, Bobby.
We all were.
What room are you in?
What room are you in?
The little horror
under the eaves.
I call it the Patty Hearst
Memorial Closet.
Perry, give me a hand
with this, will you?
I told you not to bring
so much stuff.
Well, it's my hair dryer.
You don't have enough hair
to justify an appliance that size.
Has it ever occurred to you
I stopped listening to you
at least 10 years ago?
I hope you brought,
um, your swimsuits.
Hey, we don't need
We're all going
skinny dipping after lunch.
What are we,
men or wimps?
You just want to see
everyone's dick.
Oh, I've seen
everyone's dick.
Answer the question.
Sometimes we're men,
and sometimes we're wimps.
And you haven't seen
Ramon's dick.
You are a troublemaker.
I am not a troublemaker.
I'm an imp.
A gay imp.
Gregory always
leaves Bobby alone like that?
That's their ritual.