Love! Valour! Compassion!

Fuck you, John!
use that expression

entirely too often.
Hmmph. Everyone?
Fuck you, John!
In England we think it
nearly as often as you do,

but we don't actually
say it to someone's face.

It would be too rude.
Fuck you!
What do you mean
when you tell
another person, "Fuck you"?

Fuck you,
and don't you ever call me
chiquita again!

This is good.
I think it means
several things--

mixed signals I believe they're called
in therapeutic circles.

I hate you,
get out of my life.

At least, I hate you,
get out of my life for the moment.

I love you,
but you don't love me.

I want to make you feel
small and insignificant,

The way you've made
me feel.

I want to make you feel
every terrible thing my entire life,

right up until this moment,
has made me feel.

I said fuck you!
Well, I say fuck you
right back,

with every last fiber
of my fading British being,

every last ounce
of my tobaccoed English breath.

Fuck you, Ramon.
Fuck all of you.
I think I've said my peace.
What brought that on?
His brother.
That's no excuse.
Play something, John!
Something gay!
We want gay music
by a gay composer.

There's no such thing
as gay music, Buzz.

Well, maybe there should be.
I am sick to death
of straight people.

Tell the truth.
Aren't you?

There's just too goddamned
many of them.

I was in a bank the other day.
They were everywhere--

writing checks,
making deposits.

Two of them were applying
for a mortgage.

It was disgusting.
