I love you.
I know. Me too.
I'm sorry we don't always
understand each other.
I hate it when we're not
in synch.
I hate what I said at the table.
I hated it, too.
I just get so...
frightened sometimes.
So angry.
It's all right, Perry.
We all do.
Don't give up on me.
It's incredible.
I can see Orion's belt
and both Dippers.
So many stars.
So many stars.
Say a prayer for Buzz.
Well, children,
this has been
a magical night,
but I must retire
to the second-floor
in the rear...
no lock on the door.
Welcome at all hours.
I take all comers.
Good night, Buzz.
I am going up, too.
Is everything okay?
We're fine.
I'll be up.
Welcome, Ramon.
Good night.