Please move away immediately!
Thank you.
Have a nice day!
[ Electronic Warble ]
[ Water Running ]
[ Phone Ringing ]
[ Ringing Continues ]
Ah, Mrs. Abbott.
Yes. A typewriter seems
to have appeared in my room.
Oh. How very
thoughtful of you.
No. I'm afraid not. I have
to be up at the crack of dawn.
Good morning!
Hey, how you doin'?
What happened to your foot?
Oh, less torture.
You take it easy now.
Hey, Strider.
You go home now.
[ Panting ]
[ Whimpering ]
[ Dog Barks,
Growls ]
I had one once
called "Tiffy."
"Tiffy"? What kind of a--
What is that? Wha--
What's that, a pansy name?
Come on! Tiffy lived to be 1 5.
We're not talking about
how long the dog lived.
We're talking about names.
There are a lot
of Caesars around.
What about "Spot"?
Spot! That's the name that
everybody calls a dog-- Spot.
What if the dog
has no spots?
They all got spots.
No. Sometimes
they got patches.
And there's a difference
between a patch and a spot.