[ Ronnie ]
Well, what do you know?
It was the cops.
They're keepin' an eye
on the place.
One of the neighbors
saw some weirdo hangin' around.
[ Audrey ]
Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you.
Are you guys
comin'in or what?
Come on, Strider.
[ Audrey ]
It's nothing
really, Giles.
Oh, yes, his plays
are full of it.
Well, wait a minute.
Are you saying that if
Shakespeare was alive today,
he'd be doin' things
like Hotpants College?
All I'm saying, Ronnie,
is that Shakespeare
used bawdy humor
to please the mob in the pit.
I never knew that.
Yes, and, of course,
he was able to elevate
his material...
beyond such limitations...
as have you.
I'm not talking about
good acting as if it were,
say, merely good cooking.
Oh, by the way, the teriyaki
was delicious, Audrey.
I'm talking
about a type of acting
that is purely instinctive.
You see, Ronnie, you have
something that gives even the
most casual look or gesture...
a real intensity.
Oh, yes.
It came as no surprise to me
when I heard that you'd been
rescued at an early age...
from the hell of advertising.
It was obvious to me that some
producer, some astute producer,
had seen what I saw
when Abigail persuaded me
to see Hotpants College II.
I got that role because
I looked like the guy who
played Mikey in the original.
Yes, but didn't you completely
reinvent the character
with a mere string of lines?
Didn't you make Mikey
the focus of the entire story?
Well, I wouldn't
exactly say that.
As for your fate
in the pizza parlor, the plastic
tomato and all that, well--
[ Laughs ]
Well, I don't know.
This may sound absurd, but--