Mrs. Banks' through there.
Right. We don't pay much.
More than I make here.
They' re not the Mohawks, Mr. Brackett.
The Miwoks are from northern California.
They have a very rich past.
We currently have on exhibition
the largest display of lndian baskets. . .
. . .ever assembled
by a museum of this size.
Some would say it's not responsible. . .
. . .to pour money
into a dying institution.
Then let's close down the libraries,
museums and symphonies.
If we do not learn from our past,
we will be. . .
. . . doomed to relive it.
Yes, Mort.
I see dinosaurs.
The fear of today is that the museum
might share the same fate.
That's right, Mort.
That is exactly the fear.
Very good . Thanks.
It's okay, Mort.
We' re clear.
Good .
You must've done this before.
Good heavens, no. I haven't.
I feel strongly about this museum .
My great-grandfather founded it.
Right. I thank you for your time
and wish you all the best.
Come on down from there.
In the next room we have a stuffed dodo.
Come and take a look.
Give me the mike.
Get some of this.
One's Cretaceous, the other's Jurassic.
I know .
Come on, let's go.
Why are they together?
Want to go outside and get B-roll?
Where's the bathroom?
I'll freshen up.
Get your cam ready.
I'll do a stand-up for tonight's news.
I' m standing in front of the museum . . .
. . .where the past collided
with the hardships of the present.