Mad City

We now go to Max Brackett, who is
inside the Museum of Natural History. . .

. . .with a hostage situation.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
I am inside the men 's room. . . .

Mobilize every camera
and audio crew you can get.

Most of them are children.
Do you know what his motives are?
I don't. But I can tell you
that the gunman does seem agitated .

Can you escape?
Can you hear me?
Think about what you' re doing .
Can you hear me, Max?
Does Jen know you' re here?
I don't know how much longer I can--
-I want you to be calm .
-No, you be calm .

I got 2 things to tell you.
I' m not listening to you as long as
you' re holding that stupid gun.

Why should l? This is absurd .
Get that stupid thing away from me!
Oh, God !
- That was a shot, right?
-Cut the feed, now .

Someone was hit in front of the museum.
I didn 't get a good look at him.

What asshole pulled the plug?
We' re still live, Max.
You did it. You did it.
He's okay.
He's okay.
He could be dying .
-Listen to me.
-Want him to do that on camera?

They didn't pull the plug
when the Challenger blew up.

Our viewers don't need to see the blood .
We' re telling them what's happening .
Mort is.

We 've got live pictures
and you 're giving them radio.
