He's right!
It's the story of your career.
In 24 hours, this turns into a gangbang .
There's 1 000 people with cameras here.
If you don't record it, they will .
-Please don 't blow this.
Yeah, move.
We have reestablished our live hookup
to the museum . Max, are you there?
Yes, Mort, I am still here.
Sorry, the camera 's not responding.
Wait a minute, I see a figure. . .
. . .approaching the wounded man.
I can 't make him out.
Why are we on TV?
Oh, my God .
You' re bleeding .
Can you walk?
I don't know .
I just called the ambulance.
That's Laurie Callahan.
Max, how are the children?
These kids are very frightened.
They're terrified.
They' re together
in one corner of the lobby. . .
. . .with the curator
on the floor next to them .
The teacher is tending to them.
Trying to keep them calm.
Mort, the situation has shifted
dramatically. A man has been shot.
A line has been crossed.
We have a very dangerous situation here.
It reminds me. . .
. . .two years ago. . . .
Oh, God .
We' re live on the air.
Max Brackett, KXBD News.
Want to tell us why you' re here?
You don't? Okay.
-We lost him .
-What happened?
Can you hear me?
Max Brackett, are you there?
Max, are you there?