Were they--?
Did they suffer any trauma?
Were they broken up in any way?
They fell out of the sky.
Were there any body parts?
You 're asking me if I saw body parts?
You want me to report--?
I don 't mean to be grim. . . .
But I understand there were reports,
sharks in the area.
I didn 't see any sharks.
But don 't let the fact that the. . .
. . . family of the victims
are probably watching the show. . .
. . .I don 't want that to stop you.
- You 've had a tough night.
-No, I feel great.
This is the best story in the year
for me, and probably for you.
If you can see
all the vultures out there. . .
. . . that have flocked to the seashore
to see these collective body parts.
If you want a body part,
I'll get a gaff--
What do you want?
An arm or a leg?
You can have your pick.
That went out over the air?
Why don 't you have a seat?
All of it.
It'd be interesting
to see them together again.
I thought of that.
One here, one there.
It'd be good for 2 or 3 points.
At least.
I want to show you something .
It's going to be a tough sell .
Not for me.
Good morning .
-How are you?
-Just great.
59'%' of the American people are showing
compassion for an armed felon.
He asks for forgiveness
and everyone says, "Sure. "
This is a fascinating story.
What do we do?
We' re covering it, Kevin.
Brackett's interview was brilliant.
Unless you want to double-team it?
You and Brackett.
I' m not sharing my time with him .
I' m getting on a plane
and will cover the story from there.
It could be over by tomorrow .
No, Brackett won't let it be over.
This has the potential
to be a huge story.
We must jump all over this.
The guy's a poster child
for the disenfranchised . Why? How?
It's good television.
-No other net has it.
-It's a great story.
What about Brackett?