- He's right!
- It's the story of your career.
In 24 hours there's 1000 people here.
If you don't record it, they will.
- Please don't blow this.
- Go.
Yeah, move.
We have reestablished our live
hookup to the museum. Max?
Yes, Mort, I am still here.
Sorry, the camera's not responding.
Wait a minute, I see a figure
approaching the wounded man.
I can't make him out.
Why are we on TV?
Oh, my God. You're bleeding.
- Can you walk?
- I don't know.
I just called the ambulance.
That's Laurie Callahan.
Max, how are the children?
These kids are very frightened.
They're together in the lobby
with the curator next to them.
The teacher is tending to them,
keeping them calm.
Mort, the situation has shifted.
A man has been shot.
We have a very dangerous
situation here.
It reminds me of the situation...
Oh, God.
We're live.
Max Brackett, KXBD News.
Wanna tell us why you're here?
You don't? Okay.
- We lost him.
- What happened?
Max, can you hear me?
Max Brackett, are you there?
Max, are you there?