We were number one.
- What happened with the guard?
- What?
You left the camera
and went to help him.
He was hurt.
Why not take the camera
if you're going to be humane?
Because I can't...
I can't hold it and help
at the same time.
By not having the camera...
...we lost footage
nobody else would've had.
You must decide whether
you are part of a story...
...or will record the story.
- Max, it's Lou.
I want you with me from
the start to the end of the story.
Hi, Lou.
You having fun?
I ask for fluff and you
get a hostage situation.
I guess I'm just not
one of your fluffy kind of reporters.
He's average, married with kids.
He flipped.
- Now he's the Terminator.
- What does he want?
Wants his job and to be heard.
- We're stuck in the middle.
- A good place to be.
If you're uncomfortable,
we don't have a contract.
- I'll go to another channel.
- Network called.
- You're back in the saddle, cowboy.
- There's nothing like old friends.
Look at this jerk.
What a showboat!
Zoom in.
It's a military helicopter!
Which one gets to leave?
- Maybe that girl in the glasses.
- Which one?