For no particular reason.
To my mind...
people live
for no particular reason.
But they die for some reason.
And what's my reason?
You don't have a reason.
There is no reason.
Just live and enjoy life.
There is a reason.
I have a reason.
So what?
Many people have a reason
and reach a great age with it...
and nothing happens.
But the main thing
is that you please try...
not to be capricious
or to weevil me, Mother!
All right, I'll try.
I won't be like that anymore.
I don't want the spring to come.
I have nothing to wear
and go out.
To go where?
No clothes to wear,
nothing at all.
And what about me?
Do you think I have anything
to go out in? Have I?
But I have nothing,
nothing at all.
And what about your raincoat
or your warm covert coat?
It smells.
What do you mean?
The raincoat. It smells awful.
Well, then...
Let's not go out and see people.
Let's live without people.
I don't want that.
I want to go to the park.
But there isn't any park here...
and there wasn't before, either.
You've just forgotten.