What do you get?
100 bucks a head? 200?
Hope you saved it all for your lawyer.
You'll need it.
We'll take it f rom here.
Who the hell are you?
lNS, Division 6.
Division 6?
l never heard of Division 6.
Who you betting on?
Tough call, Kay.
What's up, how are you?
Good, good.
Grandma, don't worry.
Welcome to the United States.
Where are you going, Nogales?
Looking for work?
And you, the same?
And you?
Pleasure seeing you here.
And you?
What if l break your face?
You're very ugly, no?
You don't speak a word of Spanish.
We've got a winner here.
Oh, l know.
The rest of you can leave.
Don't move!
Get in the truck and leave.
Sir, you can't--
Don't ''sir'' me, young man.
You have no idea
who you're dealing with.
Get in the truck right now!
We'll chat with our f riend.
You hit the road.
Keep on protecting us f rom
the dangerous aliens.
You ever hear of Division 6?
There is no Division 6.
This is bullshit.
Hell, yeah.
Looks like you fell off the bus
in the wrong part of town.
l'll bet you're not
f rom anywhere near here.
Mikey, when they let you out of jail?