ls that better?
''The perpetrator blinked
two sets of eyelids.''
Blinked with both eyes?
He blinked one set,
then a completely different set.
You know, like high beams
and low beams.
Was that before or after he drew
the weapon that you claim...
...evaporated into a million pieces?
After, sir.
Why is it that no other officers saw
either of these events?
Some of them are
soggy around the midsection.
They weren't able to keep up.
lf you were half the man l am--
l am half the man that you are.
What is your problem?
You're in my face.
-l think he threw him off the roof.
-You next.
l wanna talk to you.
Ten minutes,
you take your best shot, tough guy.
Take 10 minutes on a StairMaster,
you pudgy bastard!
l believe you. Laurel Weaver.
Deputy Medical Examiner.
Find me at the morgue. l'll show you.
Wait a minute!
You're Dr. Weaver with the coroner's
office working on the John Doe?
-That's right.
-Will you look at this, please?
Some night, huh?
Some night.
They were gills, not eyelids.
Gills. He was out of breath.
Who are you?
Did he say anything to you?