Searching for a handle on the moment?
l can't help you.
The only comfort l can offer...
...is my promise that tomorrow
you won't remember a thing.
That's not exactly
some shit you forget.
Ever seen one of these?
She looks over to her husband...
...then sets it down in her lap
and says:
'' Honey, this one's eating my popcorn.''
Get it?
This one's eating....
Gotta go.
Thanks for the egg rolls.
Wait a minute.
Who are you?
See what l mean about tequila?
You're very bright.
But you need to lay off the sauce.
l'll see you bright and early, 9:00.
Be there...
...or be square.
Well, well, well.
Moving right in, are we?
Think we own the place?
l got an eviction notice for you.
Just what exactly
do you think you're doing here?
Taking care of your pest problem.
Pest problem?
You got a hell of an infestation.
You know, l've noticed
an infestation here.
Everywhere l look, nothing but
undeveloped, unevolved...
...barely conscious pond scum...
...totally convinced
of their own superiority...