Why hold it in Queens?
More nonhumans arrive every year
and live among us in secret.
Not to change the subject, but when
was the last time you got a CAT scan?
-Six months ago. lt's company policy.
-Make another appointment.
Tell your boy Zed l had
an absolutely wonderf ul time...
...and thank you for everything,
but show me the door.
All right. l'm getting some coffee.
You want some?
No, thank you, l'm fine.
How you doing?
Hi, Kay.
-That's not decaf, is it?
-Viennese cinnamon.
Don't tell me we only got powdered
stuff for cream. l hate it.
Well, that's good. Good. Good.
You guys getting along all right?
Don't work too hard.
Sure you don't want some coffee?
Here's the deal.
At any given time, there are
around 1500 aliens on the planet.
Most of them here in Manhattan.
Most of them are decent.
Just trying to make a living.
-Cab drivers?
-Not as many as you'd think.
Humans, for the most part,
don't have a clue. Don't want one.
They're happy. They think
they have a good bead on things.
People are smart.
They can handle it.
A person is smart.
People are dumb, panicky,
dangerous animals, and you know it.
1500 years ago, everybody knew
the Earth was...
...the centre of the universe.
500 years ago, everybody knew
the Earth was flat.
And 15 minutes ago, you knew that
people were alone on this planet.
lmagine what you'll know...
-What's the catch?
-The catch?
The catch is, you will sever
all human contact.
Nobody will ever know
you exist anywhere...