Men in Black

...memory messer-upper?
When you grow up.
Please. Not green.
Oh, damn!
Do you know which alien leaves
a green spectral trail...

...and craves sugar water?
That was on Jeopardy last night.
Damn, Alex said it was....

Zed, we have a bug.
What? We don't like bugs?

Bugs thrive on carnage, tiger.
They consume, infest, destroy,
live off the death of other species.

You were stung as a child, right?
lmagine a giant cockroach
with unlimited strength...

...a massive inferiority complex,
and a real short temper...

:47:44 terrorizing Manhattan lsland
in a new Edgar suit.

That sound like f un?
What's the move?
With a bug in town,
we'll watch the morgues.

Where do you want
contestant number 3?

Just leave it there.
What's with the cat?
There's a problem with the cat.
Sign here.

-What's the problem with the cat?
-lt's your problem.

l hate the living.
Shall we?
Oh, my God!
