Men in Black

...of them left.
You know, so they're intact...
...wherever they are whole.
That we can be sure of.

Have we met before?
l'm having a feeling of déjá vu.
-Yeah, me too.

Wanna know what l think?
Don't tell him.

He's under enough stress.
l don't think it's a real body.

l think it's some kind of
transport unit for something else.

The question is, what?
ls this f reaking you out?
No, girl.
You know what l like to do sometimes
when it's late?

Dr. White.
Ex cuse me.
What do you think?
lnteresting. She got
a ''Queen of the Undead'' thing going--

Of the body.
Great body.
The dead body.
You have to look at that thing.
You recognize him?
He looks like the big guy l saw
at headquarters, only deader.

What killed him?
A bug?
You're up, slugger.
Look at this.
What the hell is that?
To prevent...
What are you saying?
To prevent....
To prevent...
