Rosenberg. Damn!
The Arquillians won't like this.
He was one of the royal family.
This is an alien...
...and you're f rom a government agency
keeping it under wraps.
He said, ''To prevent war,
the Galaxy is on Orion's belt.''
How else do you explain New York?
l was in this cab, and this guy was--
''Galaxy on Orion's belt''
makes no sense.
That's what the little dude inside
the big dude's head said, right?
Damn, man!
You did the flashy thing already.
Whoever you are,
you'll have to show me l.D.
Of course, young lady.
Look at this for me, please.
-Would you stop that?
That thing will give her brain cancer.
Never hurt her before.
Close the doors.
Special Services will be here.
How many times have you
flashy-thinged that woman?
-Don't you worry about long-term damage?
-A little.
-Have you flashy-thinged me?
l ain't playing with you! Have you?
l think l should be in charge
of the flashy thing.
Not while l'm around.
You'll f ricassee someone's brain.
We got two dead aliens and
a medical examiner needs a new memory.
Make it a happy memory.
Where is it?!