- Scott.
- Hey.
Rope, glad you could make it.
Captain Solis is on his way down.
-You guys got a profile on Earl?
- This guy's no genius.
- Well, they ain't usually
graduate students.
- SWAT wants to go in.
- What, they ain't killed
nobody yet this week?
Okay, we got a guy who's probably
on drugs. He's got a record of 4-5-9s.
He's been busted
on possession.
Never been busted on a major felony.
What's this guy's demeanour?
Well, he's a little fuckin' agitated.
He ripped the phone out.
I gotta go face to face.
- No, I don't think so.
- Sam, you got a building
full of hostages.
One of 'em is hurt. We don't know how
bad. This nut pulled out the telephone.
The SWAT said he's got a gun
to somebody's head. If SWAT
goes in there, you're gonna
lose one person, possibly two.
You gotta let me go in there
and look around and make sure
everything's all right in there.
- I don't know.
- Sam, look at the guy's rap sheet.
There's no violence on there.
The guy's never offed anybody.
Hey, look. Are you gonna let me go in
there or are we gonna stand around and
talk and let this guy bleed to death?
Can I have a dozen
doughnuts please?
What makes a guy
do somethin' like that?
Gimme a roof and
a rifle any day.
CP, I see a WMA
in window three...
holding a handgun
to Asian female's head.
Suspect is wearing
a black vest and T-shirt.
I'm gonna kill somebody!
lf they don't gimme my god-damn
car, I'm gonna kill somebody!
- Who the fuck are you, man?
- Hey, how you doin', Earl?
- I'm Scott Roper, the negotiator.
- Get up! Get up! Get up
where I can see you!