- Don't start.
- Don't tell me not to start.
Look, Ronnie, that baseball
player you're runnin' around
with, that guy is bad news.
Oh, really. Let's think about this.
He makes about two million a year.
- A really nice guy, and he worships me.
- I worship you too.
- Scott, you worship your bookie.
- No, forget that. Listen.
What's this guy's name?
- Greg.
- Well, I read that
Greg's knees are blown out.
You know, in ten years, you're gonna be
pushin' him around in a wheelchair.
- A lot of hills in this town.
- You know what I think?
I think you only want me back
'cause you can't have me.
Well, I don't think it matters what you
think. What matters is that I think
we should be together.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, listen to me.
Can we please go out this weekend?
No way. And talking
of going out.
What about Troy? You told me
you'd take him out over a month ago.
Hey, Veronica, I had a really
rough month, you know. I know
I was supposed to get with him.
He misses you. I tell him you're
coming around and his eyes light
up. And then when you don't--
Now why do you wanna lay all this guilt
on me, huh? Look, Saturday.
We'll get together on Saturday,
me, you and Troy.
We'll go to the park. We'll
have the most beautiful day.
One big happy family.
No, no, no. You and Troy.
We spend enough time together.
Troy needs a man
in his life.
And besides, I'm seeing
Greg on Saturday.
What do you mean you're going
out with Greg on Saturday? What--
You-- You're gonna go out
with Greg and I'm supposed
to go out with Troy to the park?
- You know-- You know,
that's a little tacky.
- Tacky?
- Yes, that's tacky.
And it's gonna confuse Troy,
you don't think so?
Look, can I drive you to the
paper so we can talk about this?
Please? Can I drive you?
Huh? Hey!
Hey! Hey! That's my car!
Not any more. Now it belongs
to Silver Hills Financial.
And he was there
the whole time.
- Good work today, Scott.
- Thank you, lnspector.
- If you had gotten them to me
when I needed them--
- I needed them two days ago.
- How're we doin' for the night?
- Two on the floor.
- You're my hero.
- Dinner's on you.
- You got yourself a deal.
I gotta meet with Solis.
- Okay, go get him.
Later on.