
Oh, and I get to keep all the
money, even if this guy quits
'cause SWAT guys don't have...

the temperament or the background
for what I do, okay, Captain?

You know what I'm sayin'?
Hey, how you doin', man? I heard
tremendous things about you.

- Yeah, I'm lookin' forward
to working with you too.
- Yeah, you'll be good.

You've got a lot of hard work in front
of you if you're gonna be a negotiator.

I'm up to it. And don't worry,
I'll be around longer than two weeks.

So, don't, don't worry
about that, okay?

Hey, man, don't be readin' my lips and
shit. You save that for when you're at
sniper school, all right?

Okay, well, don't worry about what I'm
gonna do for the next few weeks, okay?

- Gentlemen, can we move past this?
- We got past it.

- We're just getting
acquainted with each other.
- I'm fine.

Well, I think that's very nice.
Now, if you both excuse me,
I do have other work to do.

- Oh, my bad. We're gone.
- Thank you, Captain.

- Roper?
- Sir?
- About the transportation issue.

- See the impound sergeant.
- Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

- So, you ever been
in a hostage situation?
- Only at the very end.

- Yeah, what did you feel
like after the shooting?
- Like it had to be done.

- It very rarely has to be done.
- And I've very rarely shot anyone.

- Yeah, well, SWAT is a
lifesaving unit. Remember that.
- Now I know that, okay?

- You know, you know a lot.
You're a wiseass.
- No, excuse me?
- You heard what I said.

You're a wiseass.
And I got a special little test
for first-day wiseasses here.

Here. Look. I want you to get
this cap out of the bottle...

without touching,
without destroying the bottle.

- Okay, don't move it.
- And what's the point?

It's a little test
in lateral thinking.

The obvious solution isn't always
the only solution. You got options.

- Use your head. Use your mind.
Don't break the bottle.
- Okay.

- Have a nice day.
- Okay.

No touching!
Hey, don't look at me.
I went to public school.

Right. Great.
Thank you.

Mind if we make a stop on the way?
We busted Frank Antonucci on possession.

- He gave us a lead on the
Polk Street jewellery heist.
- Phony Frank?

Don't waste your time. That guy'd finger
his firstborn to dodge a collar.

I still got to do it.
Wasting time is half my job.

- Yeah, all right.
- You know, I think that SWAT
guy might be a good idea.

May take a little pressure off you.
I'm beginning to worry about you.

Where is 72-- You worrying about me?
What are you worryin' about me for?
