It's about four months old.
I've been working on a different style.
Hey, Troy.
How ya doin'?
How ya doin'? Did you miss me,
huh? Did you miss me?
Huh, Troy? Did you miss me?
Did you?
No kissing though.
No kissing.
You know I don't do
that kissing thing, right?
I'm not gonna take up
too much of your time. I just
need somebody I can talk to.
Must be pretty awful.
You don't usually talk
to someone when you're hurting.
It was my fault.
I was right downstairs.
All I had to do was just go
up with him. I was right there.
Scott, y-you
can't save everyone.
Yeah, well, I definitely proved
that tonight for sure.
Look, uh, I don't even know
why I came up here.
This was a...
total waste of my time.
Where'd I put my keys?
Where'd I put my keys?
Scott, what do you
want from me?
Obviously something
I can't have any more!
Don't you dare
try to make me feel guilty.
The whole time we were together,
you went out of your way
to prove you didn't need me.
And now suddenly, for one night, you
need me again? Well, I can't do that.
I can't be more than just your friend
because I know exactly what'll happen.
A few weeks from now,
and you'll be back on top...