
- Come on, Russell.
- Russell!
- Get that 800, Russell!

- Come on, Russell!
- Come on, Russell!
- Come on, Russell!
- Come on, Russell!

- Let's go, Russell!
- Come on, Russell!
- Russell!
- Come on, Russell!

- Way to go, Russell! Come on!
- Come on, Russell!
- Go, go, Russ!
- Russell! Russell!

- Come on, Russell!
- Go, Russ!

- We won! We won!
- Oh, shit! We lost!

- We won!
- We lost!
- We won!
- You wanna bet?

- You wanna bet on whether we
just won? What, are you crazy?
- Russell, you midget fuck!

- He won!
- You little midget--

- He won!
- Hey, we won!
- He won!
- Yea!

- Way to go, Russell!
Way to go, Russell!
- Hey, Russell!

-Sorry about that, Russell.
-Don't worry about him, Russell.
-Hey, Russell, it's cool.

- Twelve dollars on the
next race on number eight.
- How long you been comin' here?

About six years. My old partner
turned me on to this place.

- Is it always like this?
- Well, occasionally you lose,
but today we are winners.

- That's right.
- Pay the winners, please.

Oh, Benjamin.
Benjamin looks so sad. I'm in
such a wonderful mood, Benjamin.

Here you go.
There's your share.

- Wait, wait. That's only three.
- What?

Oh, you got good eyes.
- That's part of your training.
I was making sure you can--
- That's right.

Okay. I'm on my way.
Let's go.

Gonna need another
R.A. unit!

- What's the 10-20 on the incident?
- Shreve, right on the corner.

- Man, this looks like a shit sandwich.
- Yeah.

You see this car? I'm riding
around in a shitmobile...

and Solis got this out
of impound for 14 grand.
