Tape's rolling.
- Yeah.
- Hello, Joe. I'm lnspector Roper.
- How you people doin' in there?
- Good.
Solis is off the job now.
I'm the guy who's authorized to
give you everything you want.
First, I gotta come down there
and talk to you.
- No, you don't.
- Uh, yes, I do, Joe.
I have to come down there...
and I have to talk to you
to make sure that there are
no misunderstandings...
and make sure nobody is hurt in there
before we can take care of business.
All right, Roper.
You wanna come? Come.
Listen, Joe. I'm not armed,
okay? We gotta operate
on trust here. I'm not armed.
I'm gonna come down there and
I'm gonna talk to you and get you guys
out of there as soon as possible.
Five minutes.
This is obviously the part
of the job that sucks.
- We got a standby on call.
- You got it?
Hey, hey, hey.