Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Is this the prized relic?
It's a very rare relic.
This is the dagger
that Prince Yussopov used...

...to murder Rasputin.
He sliced off
his cock and balls with it.

True story...
...and deliciously evil,
don't you think?

German Luger?
Be careful, it's loaded.
We've had burglaries.

Everybody's got loaded guns around here.
So tell me.
Has your family always collected?

That's a very genteel way of asking
if I come from old money.

- Do you?
- No.

I was born in Gordon, Georgia,
a little town outside of Macon.

My father was a barber,
sometime house builder.

My mother was a secretary.
What money I have is about 11 years old.
So, yes, I am...
...nouveau riche.
But then it's the riche that counts.
There's only 2 things
that interest me...

...and those trappings of aristocracy
that I find worthwhile.

The very things they're forced to sell
when the money runs out.

And it always runs out.
And then all they're left with...
...is their lovely manners.
Fuck you, goddamn bitch!
Wouldn't even let me in the house.
Had to come in the servants' entrance.
Excuse me for a minute?
We agreed you'd stay away tonight.
Don't give me that drag-ass shit.
I got stood up tonight, I'm pissed off.
Give me $20.

You get paid on Friday
like everyone else.

Give me $20.
- I need it to get fucked up, is what.
- You've accomplished that, sport.

Give me the money.
I ain't even close to getting fucked up
the way I want to get.

I'm not going to give you money
for liquor or marijuana...

...or whatever else you've invited...
