Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

When do I take the stand?
They'll have heard all the theories.
We'll finish with the truth.

I look forward to this.
It's important, not that I'm acquitted,
but that everyone knows I'm innocent.

I refuse to live in a world
where whispers become fact.

Guilty men murmur.
The innocent shout to the rafters.

Hear, hear.
We may need you to come clean
about the relationship with Billy.

Your sexuality, Jim.
Finley's taken this thing in a direction
we didn't count on.

His own private witch-hunt.
It's going to destroy Mother.
Jim, she was in court.
She heard George Tucker.
Face it, she already knows.
Not from me she doesn't.
What if she wasn't in court?
What's the matter?

Damn gunshot residue test.
Your expert witness covered it.
He said the tests are unreliable.

Jury thinks that's a cop-out.
Every one of them knows Doc Poe.
Why listen to some egghead
from up north? No offense.

No, none taken.
He said gunpowder wipes off.
Maybe when they handled the body...

Boone says he bagged them.
Doc Poe says they were bagged
when he performed the autopsy.

When are they going to get wiped off?
I don't know.
Do you remember when you told me
that dead men tell no tales?
