every last member of
the nest starved to death within hours.
Hope someone's taping this.
This announcement's been
a long time coming,
ladies and gentlemen.
The Strickler's outbreak has
officially been contained.
The epidemic is over.
Hey, Susan. Honey?
Doctor Mann? What did
this victory mean to you personally?
Our fifteen minutes are gone.
And personally,
it's where I met my wife.
What is this? Is this
some kind of Catholic guilt thing?
We don't even know
what the impact is of what we did
The impact is.
There are gonna be a lot of
kids next year because of you.
A lot of kids.
Maybe we get lucky.
Maybe a couple of
them'll be ours someday.
Oh, a couple, huh?
Oh, okay? We're not.
I didn't want to overtax you.
It's been a hard year.
It's been a great year.