It's yours.
You gave 'em ten bucks.
They're from Alphabet City.
The worse thing is selling.
Oh, no! Your papers.
Help me get the window. Susan.
Push. Ah, come on.
Oh, I hate this window.
Okay. On three.
One, two, three.
Who do you think you are,
puttin' my two officers on quarantine?
Listen to me, Captain.
Those two, they kiss their wives
they kiss their kids.
And I'm the one with
a full-blown epidemic.
Come on, Chuy
We have to make dinner.
- Okay, Dad.
- I don't care.
Well, I do care! Jesus! I hate cops.
They make the worst coffee.
Shiny wire.
Don't stare
People look back if you stare.
I can't believe this.
I spend an hour in the field.
I get a weekend's worth of crap.
Oh, speaking of that
That turd that I took to the lab?
They found these in it.
What are they?
Maybe they needed fiber.