
Chuy listen to me.
They have Jesus on the cross
but that is not a holy place.

Can you call me back tonight?
Thanks, Officer.

Cops are on it.
Uh, th-they said.
Can you do me a favor and hold
off working at night for a while?

I can't do that. I was thinking
I had to get back.

Susan, someone broke
in-to your office, okay?

Sorry about you losing
your specimen but let's.

This is not a specimen, Peter.
I did a test and there're only
two species that match what I found.

Now, one of them is
a leaf cutter ant in the Amazon.

The other one we re-leassed here
three years ago.

You said that.
You said the ones we released
only had a life span of six months.

We engineered them
to be sterile adults.

The Judases were not supposed
to last past one generation.

So what happened?
The one I ex-amined today
was a baby.

They were designed to die
They are breeding.

I shine them good.
Chuy Black Lincoln. Chuy?
Black Lincoln. This one.

Chuy pay attention, please.
This is where you found the bug?
