I ain't seen you in a long time.
Fucking cut!
When am I gonna get my money?
What money?
Wait a minute.
You're talking about
the money I owe you.
I'm gonna pay you.
You know I'll pay you.
And I got your phone calls.
When you call...
Somebody stole my phone.
Can you believe that shit?
I don't like brothers,
and I don't like welchers.
Killing you would be double fun.
Stop playing.
What are you talking
about killing for?
If you kill me,
how am I gonna pay you?
Open the door,
get out of my car...
get on the street,
and get my money.
I'm gonna get it,
but don't leave mad.
Give me a hug or something.
- Get out.
- A kiss?
Franklin Hatchett?
He dead. They buried him
at the Compton cemetery.
You're under arrest.
What the fuck y'all doing?
I didn't do shit!
Nobody ever does.
You have the right
to remain silent.
Wait a minute.
I'll give you $5.00
to let me out.
Bribery, too?
In the car.
Watch my head.
He offered me $5.00.
Channel 5, help a brother out?
You ain't gonna do nothing?
I'm gonna get your ass!
A serious crime.
Justified punishment.
This is James Russell reporting.
Channel 12 News.
We got him.
We didn't get shit.
Let's get out of here.
I am dead serious.
The po-po trippin'.
Ever since that O.J. shit.