Fifteen million.
Cut a brother in on that.
We'll split it three ways.
Seven for me, seven for you,
and you get whatever's left...
'cause you been trippin'
since I met you.
What you doing with the ax?
Forget about what I said.
I don't know shit about
no $15 million in no Jaguar.
I don't even know where we at.
I got a bad memory.
- Be still.
- Put the ax down.
Don't move.
What's wrong with you?
Trying to cut
a brother's hand off.
Always trying to kill somebody.
Why don't you try
loving somebody?
What did you open the door for?
Y'all trippin'.
You want some girls?
I can get you any kind
of girl... black, Japanese.
I can take you over
to my grandmama house.
She cook you some chicken,
some cornbread, some poulet.
It's cold.
It's colder than a motherfucker.
That's some hard-hitting stuff.
John Tesh school of journalism.