A bird in the hand
is worth a 10-share...
Fuck you.
This is my story,
and you know it.
You're right. Monday it is.
Vic Damone...
Get your hands on the car!
Vic Damone...
his music will last forever.
What the hell is a Vic Damone?
Vic Damone's Greatest Hits...
Ain't no greatest hit.
I ain't never heard it.
He thrilled the world...
when he married
actress Diahann Carroll.
How the hell an Italian get
a fine black woman like that?
The timeless hits
of Vic Damone.
He can't sing.
Only reason she married him
'cause he got money.
Takin' all our sisters.
I'm out the door.
People are already showing up.
I am so sorry.
Something important came up.
More important
than our rehearsal dinner?
Of course not.
And I'm bringing
somebody with me.
Old, dear friend of mine
from college.
Just kind of ran into him today.
Are you all right?
You sound funny.
I'm perfect.
I'll see you soon.
I love you.
I love you, too. Hurry up.
Fuck me.
I'm gonna start the car.
I'll meet you in the courtyard.
Kiss my ass!
Find something that fits
then move your ass! We're late!
This tub wasn't clean,
you dirty-ass white boy!
You had to pick that one,
didn't you?
This your ride?
Yes, and that's my favorite
fucking suit you're wearing.
I look good, don't I?
Don't get mad 'cause I look
better than you in your shit.