You know how much money I was
making down at that car wash?
A buck, 2.98?
I will slap the hell outta you.
You don't know
who you messin' with.
I don't even know
when I'm gonna slap somebody.
I be like, "Why did I do that?"
I don't know
when I be slappin' people.
Keep messin' with me.
I'm dangerous.
I'm scared of myself.
They call me "snap and pop... "
'cause I'll snap
and pop your ass in the mouth.
Don't mess with me.
Better watch your back.
Even in the shower,
eatin' at picnics...
you better watch your
goddamn back. Make a right.
There's my crib.
And there goes your stakeout.
Turn down here.
I know a shortcut.
She just turned the lights out.
You're up, sport.
What the hell is
wrong with you? It's me!
Don't take that tone with me.
I should crack
your thick-ass skull right now.
Leaving me here all alone!
Is this the kind of father
that you're gonna be?
I'll move back to Riverside.
Don't think that I won't.
Would you calm down?
What's up with the hair
and that suit?
You look like you stepped out
of a casket!
Calm down!
You know I ain't killed nobody.
It's me.
You know I need you.
Why you think
I came over here so fast?
I'm worried about you.
I'm sorry.
You know I love you.
She just
turned the lights back on.
Let's go.
Who is this?