And 30.
Still bidding strong there.
Three hundred and fifty thousand
is now the bid.
Any advance? Last call.
All done at 350,000.
Sold to the gentlemen
in the burnoose...
with the three lovely ladies.
Now that car goes to Arabia.
I heard he didn't really
drive that car.
That's Ike Turner's old car.
I seen that car.
- Who's Ike Turner?
- Old pimp.
Do I have 120?
That's the one.
That's not it.
Do I hear 500,000?
That's not it.
That's beautiful.
What do you mean?
That's not it.
The next item up on the block...
is a 1951 Jaguar XK-140
custom built
for Princess Grace of Monaco.
Mint condition.
Bidding will commence
at $100,000.
- This is the one.
- You sure?
- I'm positive.
- Thank God.
One hundred and five.
Lovely 105.
Who'll give me 110?
One hundred and ten
there now.
Now 115.
One hundred and fifteen is bid.
Do I hear 120?
One hundred and twenty
is now the bid.
One hundred and twenty five
One hundred and thirty
to you, sir?
One hundred and thirty he does.
Do I hear 135?
One hundred and thirty five
to the gentleman taking aim...
at this mechanical masterpiece.
The gentleman
who's welcoming all challengers.
Suck my dick.
I believe that's 150.
What are you doing?
Still bidding strong now.
Do I hear 160?
One hundred and sixty
is bid in time to my left now.